To permanently deactivate Dark Mode feature in Chrome, you can reset “ Android Chrome UI dark mode” flag to Default in Chrome://flags page. For the dark mode, visit chrome://flags/enable-force-dark in the address bar and change the first drop-down box you see from Default to Enabled. If you want to disable Dark Mode in future, set the Dark Mode option to OFF in Chrome Settings. IMPORTANT NOTE 2: You can also use Chrome://restart command in address bar to completely restart Google Chrome and apply changes. Now relaunch Chrome and you’ll get Dark Mode option on Settings page. This should enable Dark Mode on your Android device. IMPORTANT NOTE 1: If you can’t find Dark Mode option on Settings page, completely close Chrome app using Recent apps button on your mobile phone and close all running apps. Next up relaunch Chrome and go to Settings>Dark Mode to enable/disable dark mode. Menus, toolbars, pages and everything else will be shown in new Dark UI. It’ll immediately apply new Dark Mode in Chrome on Android. Tap on Dark mode option and set the toggle button to ON. once you relaunched your device, the main interface of your web chrome browser will be set as.

restart the browser by pressing the relaunch now button.

step 2.in the search field, type chrome ui dark mode and change the default settings to enabled. Now you’ll find a new option “ Dark Mode” as shown in following screenshot: Step 1.open chrome on your smartphone and enter chrome: flags in the browser address bar. Next to Dark/light mode of system UI, click the. Now tap on 3-dots menu in Chrome and select Settings option. Open Google Chrome, type in chrome://flags, and hit the Enter key. Click on “ Relaunch Now” button to relaunch Google Chrome. Tap on the “ Default” drop-down box and select “ Enabled” option from the list.Ĭhrome will ask you to restart the browser. If enabled, user can enable Android Chrome UI dark mode through settings.